Recently, we all knew that Anjung Rawa Café had been boycotted by most of the UTP students and this situation became more serious as a page in facebook was created several days ago to find supporters in order to boycott this one of the two cafes in V4. After investigating about the problems that actually happened, there were a few problems that we had clarified which had caused this café to be boycotted.
There were most probably:
· The prices for the food were too expensive.
· The price also did not fixed and it 100% depend on the person who at the counter.
· The service was too offensive and they did not show ‘mesra pelajar’ behavior.
· The person that was in the counter did checked students’ food suspiciously.
· The owner of the café or aka ‘Mama’ was using term ‘sayang’ in order to address her customer.
· Tissue was limited; one person can have only one tissue.
Due to the above matters, a meeting was successfully conducted among Welfare Department of MPPUTP, Student Café Committee (SCC) and Anjung Rawa Café itself. The things that we had been discussed or the purposes of this meeting were:
· To clarify the factors for the price of the food cost too high.
· To request from Anjung Rawa Café to fix the price for each food and publish the prices so that students do aware on how much it would cost for respective food.
· Kindly ask Anjung Rawa to change their behavior and attitude while dealing with the students or customers.
On behalf of UTP students, Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) and Student Café Committee (SCC) had tried our best to solve this problem and we already told Anjung Rawa the students’ expectations from the cafe and from Anjung Rawa also, they had their own expectations from the students themselves. The outcomes of this so-called memorandum of understanding were:
1. Anjung Rawa Café will publish the prices for the foods including the price for a piece of chicken, rice and vegetables. They said that the prices for these entire things are subject to change and it depend on; 1stly, the market price; 2ndly, the quantity of the food. If the rice was fully loaded in the plastic container, how come it could still be RM1?
2. For your information, the standard market price for the chicken for 1kg would cost approximately RM7.00 and above and RM2.00 for cooked chicken.
3. Mama also has promised to us that she will change her attitude and behaviour when dealing with her customers especially about the tissue and the term ‘sayang’. She will not use it anymore. Actually, she was sincerely using that term in addressing students because to her, students were just like her children.
4. About looking at the food suspiciously, Mama insisted that she will ask the customer first before check the food and she will try to change herself to be a better one.
This kind of engagement session was ended in a very good way from both sides and it is hoped that this problem would be solved as soon as possible for the sake of the students’ welfare and also from Mama’s side. MPPUTP, SCCUTP and from Anjung Rawa Café. We also really hope that students can stop boycotting and please do not post something that are unnecessary in the page especially the thing that can humiliate people. The cooperation from both sides which are the students and Anjung Rawa Cafe is highly appreciated. As for all UTP students, MPPUTP and SCCUTP welcomes you for any suggestion to be channelled to the authorize people for the betterment of the cafeteria.
A few years too late, and actions taken only after the mass accumulation of students at facebook, who seems to be able to take matters into their own hands without the help of SRCUTP... My point is merely, I can see the improvement of SRCUTP over the years, but, don't tell me none of the SRCUTP members has ever heard complaints or experience bad treatment from AR cafe? The thing is, actions could have been taken waaaaay earlier, not until now, to this extend of a facebook page was created, only then were you(SRCUTP) able to gauge the seriousness of this issue. This is my honest feedback of you guys, and no doubt, I'm sure you want to represent us, fight for our rights, stand by our (student) side; for this is why we vote for you. I hope you remember that we cast votes for you, because we put our trust in you, so do not disappoint us. Next time, be the one who initiate the change. Remember, being a student representative is not suppose to be a peace-keeper, you are suppose to look after the interest of students, fight for us should there be a need. Along the course, there will be dissatisfaction, disapproval, objections etc but bear in mind, you are there to create the change, you are not put in place for everyone to like. It is a big responsibility, thus members of SRCUTP, FILL YOUR BOOTS!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, being a final student myself, I must say that the existence of the FB page made a significant difference. Most importantly, as mentioned by the person above, it's utter embarrassment that a student who is not in the SRCUTP nor the SCCUTP, brought up this issue. So, the party who should be thankful here is the SCCUTP I suppose, since your job has been taken into the hands of the students themselves which nevertheless cease your existence. My hope here is that never think of just forming a committee only, think of being proactive as well. Make sure continued survey is carried out, not only V4 but elsewhere too. If not, we do not need SCCUTP, SRCUTP will just be sufficient.
ReplyDeleteSenyum Kambing :
ReplyDeleteLain Kali MPPUTP election . kalo mau jadi president, gunakanlah issue harge makanan, sure win!
I wrote too long, it was NOT permitted by this blog. So please read this.
"Re branding MPPUTP"- Remember this slogan Mr. Hamzah bin Nawawi? Did you really meant this or just for the sake of winning the votes? Because from my observation, it's just another bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI saw few of your comments on AR boycott page in FB. Now I don't see how will you re brand MPPUTP. Sadly it just slogan for me.
Bear in mind, it's students who choose you, not the cafe operators! and that is why you are called Student representative! and you should have realize how terrible the cafe threat the students, so what the hell with 'NEUTRALITY'??!!! boo to you this time. seriously. HUH!
Okay sorry for my harsh comment, but please WALK THE TALK! (and you don't deserve to use this phrase to others, yet!)
Okay sorry again. Good luck to you though.
Let me remain as anonymous, because you'll be surprised if you know me, writing all this. huh!
ReplyDeletei'm not a hacker, tp tau la ckit2...
i discovered that the people between all this chaotic situation is the same person actually...
i mean the creator, the most semangat people, the anon...
i dunno...i hope that she/he are not doing this because of emotional because i heard from someone that witnessed one scene that happened at the cafe in one afternoon and not long after that, the student's cause created...she/he seems very x puas hati dgn makcik kafe tu because of rice... i dunno...let us utp student make our interpretaion wisely...LOL...
ni ape benda nih? pergi tanya then mama bg alasan terus accept camtu je. ni serupa tak payah. takde fight for our right sikit pun. menurut je apa mama tu kata.
ReplyDeleteto the sixth anon: there's no need for emotions just to create the cause. :) there were clearly a bunch of people already dissatisfied with the price of the food in AR. It's only important for the rest of the students not to be manipulated by the cafe any longer. The experience of the person was shared in the FB page for the sake of other students. It's clearly stated the person was dissatisfied and soon enough, students also relented their bad experiences with the cafe. Instead of pointing everything to the one student, you should think about the numbers of students who face the same problem day by day. There's no need to do speculations and make gossips out of it. Enough said that it's important for students of UTP to think wisely about their own health and wealth.
ReplyDeleteI have a few things to ask and I have a few things to clarify.. Based on your response from the meeting, it is obvious that there have been some misdirections on the purpose of the boycott.. I'll clarify the issues here..
ReplyDelete1. Anjung Rawa Café will publish the prices for the foods including the price for a piece of chicken, rice and vegetables. They said that the prices for these entire things are subject to change and it depend on; 1stly, the market price; 2ndly, the quantity of the food. If the rice was fully loaded in the plastic container, how come it could still be RM1?
*Is this an explanation supporting AR? We are fighting for price reduction.. this is merely a statement saying the price will remain but they will only display the price... no changes on the price will be made..
2. For your information, the standard market price for the chicken for 1kg would cost approximately RM7.00 and above and RM2.00 for cooked chicken.
I believe the price of a chicken is still the same for Pak Ali as well and for the other cafes in UTP.. or maybe AR gets their chicken from an expensive dealer.. then that is fault on their part.. It only depends on whether they want large scale profit or small scale profit... so don't give us these comments abt the market price..
3. Mama also has promised to us that she will change her attitude and behaviour when dealing with her customers especially about the tissue and the term ‘sayang’. She will not use it anymore. Actually, she was sincerely using that term in addressing students because to her, students were just like her children.
* this was never the issue.. I dont understand why this was brought up.. ppl got stressed because she gives a high price, and the regards u as her own children.. so ppl feel cheated.. other than that, i think ppl do regard mama as someone older and respected..
4. About looking at the food suspiciously, Mama insisted that she will ask the customer first before check the food and she will try to change herself to be a better one.
* this is the one thing that u got right.. and i think throughout the meeting, this was the only success that you managed to come up with..zzz
My suggestions... meet the ppl first.. meet ur students... u r not a higher authority... u are a group selected by us to represent us.. so dont give me crap abt neutrality and peacemaking.. u r supposed to fight for us.. not provide a platform to fight the battle ourselves.. if we have to fight ourselves then what is the point of having to vote for you?. i demand an explanation abt this whole neutrality thing.. MPPUTP pls be more energetic.. and pls respond to thee facebook page on this whole issue... ppl are still not satisfied with your answer...
-Admin "Student's Cause: Boycott..."
oh, admin cause dah respond, hehehe...
ReplyDeletei am a very good observer... i did follow up all the post in the cause...
just like to quote your point "My suggestions... meet the ppl first.. meet ur students... u r not a higher authority..."
rasenye, bnyk kali aku tgk dak2 mpp ni ajak ko pegi bebincang dgn dorg, tp ALASANNNNNN je memanjang....
cit podahhh!!!
ermm, no comment.
ReplyDeletebut i have to agree with anon above.
it is a good suggestion for you admin to go and meet them.
p/s = i have one question, is it true that Nabs. L. Linda is the same person with the admin? she look very spirited and her comment always come after the admin's comment, heheh...nice tactic btw...keep it up yo...
ouh...ok...kalo ambil nasi setengah senduk dia bg harge 50 sen x? ke RM1 jugak....
ReplyDeletehaha, no :) there are TWO of us as well as other people who feel many things are not right about the cafe issue in UTP. we dun need bertactic2. alasan? i am not sure if you think we are doing this to ensure we gain popularity, but we definitely are not. humans are very very strange. sometimes they want people to upright wrong things, at some point, they also kutuk the people who try to point out the issue. IF, instead of kutuk-ing the admins, please think if you can help contribute anything for the cause and for the betterment of the university. I am sure it will be more useful than standing by the gate and do nothing.
ReplyDeleteor even insulting people with rude words. :)
ReplyDeleteaku rasa korang dah salah faham sebenarnya...student x ksah mama panggil sayang kalau dia charge murah....tapi org kisah sbb mama panggil sayang pastu dia charge mahal...aku rindukan panggilan sayang mama
ReplyDeleteWhy is the English still so horrifying? Don't you have anyone to proofread this? Not only you're commented about your lame leadership abilities, responsibilities as a so-called student representative, but your English is as laughable as ever. Seriously. At least improve in one basic aspect. Language.
ReplyDeleteasalnya x puas hati dengan ARC...tp sekarang?
ReplyDeletebagi aku, pasal grammar ni, janji faham xpela...
ReplyDeletelg pun ni statement dr SCC...biase la tu, bende2 gini kene buat pantas, tu yg mungkin grammar x berape ummm sgt kot, har3...
btw, asal susah sgt nak tunjuk muke kat MPP?
kalau takat komen dan fight from your room, not brave enough la..wakaka...
my advice = pegi je la jumpe MPP tu, dorang dok usahe2, pastu ko senang2 je slash blk usahe dorang...at least bg mase utk dorang dpt kan hasil. jangan la malam meeting esok pagi dah kondem dorang. aku ni bukan la aktif sgt event2 ni macam linda, (boleh promote diri pula, haha)
last word, don't be coward from your room. at least letak muke sbnr di fb anda...just my opinion.
please talk to me personally via this email address: nabilalau89@gmail.com. There's no need to talk in such a manner to people. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAku pon tengok gak, letih budak2 mpp ngan scc tu ajak admin jumpa mama skali, apsal tak ikut?takut ke wei?kutok blakang2, orang ajak join tak nak! Dah dorang buat action, tak puas hati....
ReplyDeletempp pon satu, ko pi layan orang macam ni apsal, baek ko setel masalah intenet ke, hostel ke, dari layan student macam ni yang tak brani nak turun..
From other point of view, I can see that we are the customer, mama is the vendor. We the customer had the right to buy or not to buy the food, not the right to set the food price. So why fussy about the price when you can just go and eat some place else thats cheaper? I agree with the action done by SCC in inviting the admin to join the meeting. For me, the ones having problems with the cafe is people eating there, meaning people from v4 and v3. SCC is not the one having problems. They are just helping you to settle the problem. I give example, if you lodge a report to the police about your stolen purse, the police could only help you find the wallet, and you should identify if the wallet is yours or not. And if the police cannot find your wallet, you cannot blame the police and you I think you understand why. But anyway, good job for the admin for uniting the students, but make sure they stick to the objective of the group. Its your fault if the said bad things which are not related to topic, and it shows how low, UTP students moral behavior to outsiders.
ReplyDeletePlease do not make mindless comments such as the anonymous above. Are you encouraging MPP/SRC to further ignore our complaints?
ReplyDeleteIf students have complains, we channel it to SRC, and SRC helps us to solve it in a appropriate manner and to the right person. If I am fighting my battles myself, then what is the use of SRC?
However, I do see some anonymous trying to highlight how SRC was trying so hard to solve this issue yet we students only complain.
Do not say how much work SRC/SCC have done regarding this issue yet we are only 'cowards' in our rooms. This is SRC/SCC's job to represent us. If you do not have the guts to do this job alone, if you desperately need students to back you up during the confrontation, my advice is, quit the job. If this is what SRC feels, then they don't have what it takes to represent us, thank you very much, please step down from your post.
With all due respect, if you were to look at the right hand side of this blog, where there is a comment and chat box, you can see that "makan sihat", has complained about Anjung Rawa to SCC since 12th May 2010, nearly a year ago. After "makam sihat" left 3 messages, the last one prompting SCC for an answer, only did SCC reply in a short and dismissive (to me) way. "Kuso kuso", also left 2 messages to SCC complaining about Anjung Rawa on the 8th May 2010. Were there any actions taken? Were there any follow-ups? I didn't see any, did you?
If any SCC or SRC members were to take action a year ago, it WOULD NOT have escalated to this. Face the facts, you (SRC/SCC) let this happen. You let this get out of control, until the students were so pissed off they take matters into their own hands because they couldn't rely on you anymore. This is what happens when you failed as a student representative.
This is a hard lesson to all SRC and SCC. I hope you learn from this. Don't go on and on about how much you did, think about how much more you could have done.
p.s. My first paragraph is not the anonymous above, sorry, it's for the one who posted at March 30, 2011 12:02 AM
ReplyDeleteSCC is like the police.
ReplyDeleteVillagers complain to police there is a bully bullying them.
Police takes no action for nearly a year.
What is your view?
BTW, anonymous March 30, 2011 12:25 AM, you are making no sense.
Read this:
The main objective of SCC is to represent students in fighting their right to have a clean cafeteria and healthy food that come with affordable price. Besides, SCC also will help students to voice out any complaint about cafeteria or any suggestion in improving cafeteria’s quality. SCC also will make sure that UTP student will get enough information regarding cafeteria like the current price, how to complaint or current problems regarding cafeteria.
Hi. Noted from a saksi from 'the incident' sebelum page student's cause dibuat. Stop blaming mama for her attitude. At the same time, student's attitude must also berubah! We noted that day, 'the said student' spoke to mam with high voive, annoying and irritating. That is why mama counter her in a 'rude way'. SCC please stop cite2 nonsence pasal AR. Fairly says, we can take excerpts from the page and use it as 'cause of action' in court. Dah la tu..Tutup page tu..pegi ngadu kt CAP, FOMCA dan sume authority yh berkaitan ye. Jgn panjang cerita sampai mengaibkan org..nmpak sgt KEBODOHAN org terpelajar..
ReplyDeleteSCC so slow...takde improve apa2 pun kat kafe....
ReplyDeleteSetakat nak penuhkan resume je takyah la .....
Better bagi orang yang lebih sesuai pegang jawatan tue...
Aku bknlah org yg terbaik....
Tapi tanggungjawab adalah satu beban dan jgn berani amik kalo rasa tak mampu...
It's all politicking here. When one party tries to voice up, there's always some other party trying to suppress it. The story is not only from one girl, it's also from many other people who wrote on the page. Stop slandering others when you do not have the real facts. For those who wanted the real account of the story happening to the girl (I have no idea why everything must be pushed to the particular girl, I find it very cowardly, please email her. There's no need for you to bully a girl, it doesn't show your bravery at all.) There are countless cases before this, but no one speaks. When one did, the person will be slandered for trying to help others to recognise the issue. It is very saddening to see this when problems are so apparent and some parties are trying to close their eyes to the problems. Ponder, people.
ReplyDeleteOh please la... ok? This doesn't happen to 1 person only. Many experience the same thing. Are you doubting what everyone in the fb page say? You dare, you post there. Sure you kena flame kaw kaw. Entah siapa yang nampak lebih bodoh skang. Maksud ko skang, kite student semua ni biadap, olehtu 'mama' counter rude dgn kite? LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteKo ni apsal buat komen yg bodoh jer? Nampak sgt KEBODOHAN ko. Ko ni dari Anjung Rawa ke?
Is 1 of the anonymous in here people from Anjung Rawa? Because I can see that the person seems to be threatening us by this sentence "Fairly says, we can take excerpts from the page and use it as 'cause of action' in court. "
ReplyDeleteIf you are from AR, we can see your attitude. Not only did you not repent, you don't see yourself wrong, and you are trying to threaten us.
For me:
ReplyDelete1) Admin is doing a good job. Many students experience the same problems. I personally cannot deny this. We should thank admin for standing up and voiced up student's rights. However, I would advise mr/miss admin to turn up and help scc & mpputp to strengthen student's voice.
2) scc & mpputp might be too busy with other stuff or in a harsh way neglecting one of their responsibilities. In my opinion, scc & mpputp had just wake from their dreams & begin to solve this problem. This is a positive reaction. Let's not just put the blame on them, but as utp students, we have to support them. There's no use of questioning about their failure in the past. For scc & mpputp, please take this problem as a lesson for futher improvement.
3) There's no use arguing between us, students. Let's unite and solve this problem. Don't let this AR issue break our unity as students.
I really hope that students won't quarrel with each other. Let's unite and fight for our rights. :)
The main objective of SCC is to represent students in fighting their right to have a clean cafeteria and healthy food that come with affordable price. Besides, SCC also will help students to voice out any complaint about cafeteria or any suggestion in improving cafeteria’s quality. SCC also will make sure that UTP student will get enough information regarding cafeteria like the current price, how to complaint or current problems regarding cafeteria.
ReplyDelete- it is not responsibility of admin to go. but if he/she cn join mpputp & scc it'll be better. maybe we have to respect admin's decision ( it may due to safety reason ).
admin admin admin...
ReplyDeletesame admin with many comment...x nak mengaku bertaktik lagi, addoi...
cmni la...
from what i can see, the admin sgt2 kuat melenting...bile orang komen pasal die, tros die keluarkan hujah MPP/SCC x buat kerja...
pastu suruh MPP step down...
kamon la admin...jawapan sama je, nak defend diri sendiri je, you mesti guna point MPP or SCC x buat kerja...
you komen pasal orang boleh, orang komen pasal you x boleh...suruh emel personal plak, kamon la...ni kang mesti die jawab balik comment ni dgn hentam MPP/SCC lg, ho3...
ReplyDeleteNo, it's a different person. :)
I'm Final Year Anonymous, I'm not the admin, nor am I the brave girl who shares her email address here.
Wow, a great defender of SCC/MPP. LOL.
I am the one who ask the members of MPP/SCC to step down if they can't perform their job on their own. Please read my statement clearly. If they think they can't perform, it's high time they step down. If they can, go ahead, deliver results.
Not everyone who comments in good English is the girl, or the admin, alright? Or are you butthurt that there are more than 1 person unsatisfied with MPP/SCC?
You sound like you're the MPP/SCC yourself. Macam termakan cili jer. Pedas pedas pedas...
She already said, email her if you are not happy with her. Go go... email her. Why are you still here?
I'm not her, albeit we do share some similarities, but a hint for you, I'm more senior than her.
-Final Year Anonymous, intake July2006-
Reading all along all the comments here, you all are starting a blame game...blaming each other...who is right, who is wrong…I don't see any good outcome from this.
ReplyDeleteThe admins of the FB page are right at the first place. They bring out the issues of the UTP students regarding the AR cafe. It’s being so long that the student being treated unfairly especially there is no any price for the food being displayed. Bear in mind that the café all had signed an agreement to synchronize the food price in UTP as in here http://utpscc10.blogspot.com/2010/04/agreement-to-synchronize-price-of-foods_2065.html. So it is time to act on the errant café owner. So do not blame on the admins for the things that they done which I think they done it properly.
As for MPPUTP and SCCUTP, you had starting to act on this issue. It’s a good move. But bear in mind that you are to represent us students in UTP. You should not be neutral and to have us, the students to take the matter on our own hand. You are elected to represent all the students in UTP to voice out their problems and grouses faced by the students. If us student takes all the matter on our own, what is the purpose of having a student body? Start acting on behalf of all students and fight for the student rights.
I am not intending to hurt anyone feeling here. Just to voice out the current issues only.
Rupe2nye kite de SCC kat UTP! Sori. Bdk baru :)
ReplyDeleteNext time, if you want to make any comments, just put on your real name. So then, there will be no slandering on any people. Why do we want to hide off our identity. Being transparent in commenting on something. If you have the spirit in fight for your right, do it in the right manner.
ReplyDeletePlease, if you want to comment, do it in a good manner. Stop blaming others. and, if you dont want people to blame you directly, dont blame other in a terrific manner.
Let us share the spirit of the youth fighter. Give a good example. We are UTPian. Dont let the outsider read this and tarnish the image of UTP (I mean by the improper manner in criticized other).
Love to see this kind of spirit. :)
To final year student, I am really glad to have meeting with you and your admin. :)
mpp ngan scc utp seb bek..
ReplyDeleteklu korang kat u len,
jauh lg truk korng kene tembak..
siap kne ugutan bunuh lg klu xwt keje btul2..
Aku setuju dgn cara boycott tuh cume aku x setuju cara students UTP bg comments kt situ. Malu aku as UTP students. Pasal tisu pon nk bising ke? Setau aku [well, since m fm KL] most of the food courts in KL mmg bg tisu kat kaunter, so pe masalah besar nye? kalau nk tisu lebih, mintak je la kt AR. I don't think AR akan buat muke kalau student mintak elok2. Pasal harge, yg tu mmg boleh komen. Pasal belek2 kotak tuh, biasela..bukan sbb was2 dgn food yg kita amik tp AR nk kira betul2..hehe. Tu pon nk kepowchee ke...Aku beli kt AR, belum sempat mama belek terus aku ckp ape aku ambil. Mama terus x belek dan bg harga [ni taktik terpelajar namanye,hehe].On panggilan 'sayang' tu paling kelakar. Korang ni lol la..biase la kt kedai2 org panggil sayang. Tu pon nk jd isu..wei malu la. Setau aku, AR bukan baru berniaga tp dah lebih 20 thn [mak aku ckp la] dan memang pernah listed dlm Perak Tourism Directory sebagai tempat mkn yg patut dikunjungi di Ipoh [tahun bile aku x tau tp mak aku bgtau]. Terus terang aku ckp, aku sokong korang nyer 'wadah' utk mendapatkan yg terbaik drpd AR tp biarla berpada2. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya! Idup UTP.
ReplyDeleteanon kt ats ni budak junior ke ape..
ReplyDeleteaku dh almost 5 taun kt utp dh msak dh ngan perangai mama..since diorang meniaga kt V2 lg.
x payah la nk backup sgt mama tu. plz la...