Tuesday, August 3, 2010



UTP, July 28 , 2010- An engagement session among Welfare Department of MPPUTP , Student Café Committee and the new operators of V5 Café has been successfully conducted. The purpose of this engagement is to welcome back the trio which are WaterWorld , Al-Quds and Western Food Café, as well as other new operators, Mee Udang and Kayu Manis. Apart from that, some issues such as food price and café operating hours have also been highlighted during the engagement.

On behalf of UTP students, Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) and Student Café Committee are trying our best to stress all the cafe operators for not simply increase the food prices due to the reasons of the subsidy cuts for commodity items like fuel, gas, sugar and flour which has been announced by the Malaysia Government lately as we believe that this situation will definitely burden the students.
Besides, aware on the need of the students for a late night supper, we requested some of the operators to put into consideration regarding the idea of extending the operating hours. This request was warmly accepted by the operators who attended this session.

“We hope that, the opportunity and trust given by UTP management to operate back here in Village 5 will be the driven force for the trio to serve students with the best services as what we expect it to be. The same goes to the new operators..,” said Nur Syafiqah Abdul Manan, EXCO 2 Welfare.

This kind of engagement session is hoped to be arranged more frequently and effectively in the future for the purpose of the students’ welfare. The cooperation from the present operators is highly appreciated. As for all UTP students, MPPUTP welcomes you for any suggestion to be channelled to the authorize people for the betterment of the cafeteria.

Kindly channel your problems and suggestions through our online Complaint Box in our website, http://utpess.net. We will response to you soon. InsyaAllah

Reported by,
Nur Syafiqah Abdul Manan
EXCO 2 Welfare Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar 2009/2010

more at http://utpress.net

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

important annoucement !!

Assalamualaikum and hi to all UTPIANS...

First and foremost, we, the Student Cafe Committee members would like to welcome all of you to the new semester, July 2010. We hope that this is going to be a semester with full of blessings and happiness to all of you. Regarding the cafeterias in UTP, you realize there are several changes that we had made. It’s is our effort in giving out the best for the students in UTP. Last semester, we received many comments, ideas and also complaints regarding the cafeteria. We appreciate every constructive comments that we received, as well as all the good and fruitful ideas. As for the complaints, we had solved some of the problem raised, and we are trying our best to settle the rest.

Realizing that there are still a lot of improvements need to be done, we, the SCC committees together with MPPUTP will be handling a meeting with the representative of every V5 café owner to discuss every problem and all rising issues regarding the cafeteria. It will cover every aspects of the cafeteria, from the service aspects to the food variety. If you have any suggestions or issues that we need to give attention to, please write it right into this comment box before 11.59 am tomorrow so that we can have them discussed in the meeting. It is our high hope to serve the students the best way possible.

Thank you in advance :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010



Durian Belanda atau Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh semulajadi sel kanser yang ajaib dengan 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?

Kerana salah satu perusahaan dunia telah menutup rahsia penemuan penyelidikan tentang khasiat buah ini sebaik mungkin, mereka ingin agar dana penyelidikan yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, ditambah pula keuntungan yang melimpah dengan cara menjadikan pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan utama ubat rawatan kanser.

Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai 'Graviola', di Sepanyol 'Guanabana' bahasa Inggeris dipanggil 'Soursop'. Di Indonesia, dikenali sebagai buah Sirsak manakala di Malaysia dipanggil sebagai Durian Belanda. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lembut, isi buah berwarna putih, rasanya masam-masam manis, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.

Khasiat dari buah durian belanda ini memberikan kesan anti tumor / kanser yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara perubatan menyembuhkan segala jenis kanser. Selain menyembuhkan kanser, buah ini juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteria, anti fungus , berkesan melawan berbagai jenis parasit dan cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kemurungan, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang kurang baik.

Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya kewujudan Institut Sains Kesihatan bagi orang-orang Amerika adalah kerana institut ini telah membuka tabir rahsia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang membingungkankan adalah: Jauh dipedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh 'pohon ajaib', yang akan merubah cara berfikir anda, doktor anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanser dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup.

Hasil penyelidikan membuktikan “pohon ajaib” dan buahnya ini :

i) Menyerang sel kanser secara efektif dan semulajadi, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut gugur, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.

ii) Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari jangkitan yang mematikan.

iii) Pesakit merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sihat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.

iv) Menambah tenaga dan penampilan fizikal semakin bertambah baik.

Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pengeluar farmasi terbesar di Amerika. Buah Graviola telah diuji lebih dari 20 makmal, sejak tahun 1970-an hingga beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil ujikaji dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :

1. Secara berkesan memilih sasaran dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 jenis kanser yang berbeza, diantaranya kanser : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru-Paru dan Pankreas.

2. Daya kerjanya 10,000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambatkan pertumbuhan sel kanser dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!

3. Tidak seperti terapi kemo, ekstrak buah ini secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan atau membunuh sel-sel yang sihat.

Penyelidikan telah dilakukan secara ekstensif pada pohon “ajaib” ini,selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu langsung mengenai hal ini ? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesihatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki wang dan kekuasaan!

Salah satu perusahaan ubat terbesar di Amerika dengan aset jutaan dollar melakukan penyelidikan luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini. Ternyata beberapa bahagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu, akar, daun, isi buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad lamanya telah menjadi penawar bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah berkaitan hati dan rematik. Dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang minimum, perusahaan yang mengumpulkan dana dan sumber usaha manusia yang sangat besar bagi tujuan melakukan penyelidikan dan berbagai ujian. Hasilnya sangat menakjubkan. Graviola secara ilmiah telah terbukti sebagai agen pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan !

Tapi… kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini. Kenapa?

Dibawah undang-undang persekutuan, sumber bahan semulajadi untuk ubat adalah DILARANG dipatentkan.

Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar dan mereka berusaha sedaya upaya dengan pembiayaan sangat besar untuk membuat klon tiruan dari Graviola ini agar ianya dapat dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk penyelidikan dan ujian dapat dituntut dan bahkan mengaup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil kerana Graviola tidak berjaya diklon. Perusahaan gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana jutaan dolar untuk usaha penyelidikan mereka.

Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar beransur-ansur pudar, kegiatan penyelidikan juga turut berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup projek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan ini.

Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang ilmuwan dari kumpulan penyelidik tidak sanggup melihat kekejaman ini terjadi. Dengan mengorbankan kerjayanya, dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan-bahan bersumberkan semulajadi dari hutan Amazon untuk penghasilan penawar.

Ketika para pakar penyelidik dari Institut Sains Kesihatan mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai lakukan usaha penyelidikan. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan.

The National Cancer Institute mulakan penyelidikan ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahawa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel jahat kanser. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan dalaman dan tidak dihebahkan.

Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanser yang luar biasa pada ujikaji yang dilakukan oleh 20 makmal bebas yang berbeza.

Satu kajian yang dihasilkan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahawa kajian yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, mendakwa bahawa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam Graviola, mampu memilih, membezakan dan membunuh sel kanser usus besar dengan 10,000 kali lebih kuat berbanding dengan Adriamycin dan terapi kemo!

Sebuah kajian di Purdue University pula membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanser secara berkesan, terutama sel kanser: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru-paru.

Setelah hampir 7 tahun tidak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari Lembaga-lembaga seperti disebutkan terdahulu.
Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother’s milk, sebagai bonus istimewa percuma terbitan Health Sciences Institute. Sekarang anda tahu manfaat durian belanda yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis-manis masam begitu menyegarkan. Buah yang 100% semulajadi tanpa sebarang kesan sampingan. Sebarkan maklumat berharga ini kepada keluarga, saudara, sahabat dan teman yang anda kasihi.

Sunday, May 9, 2010



Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.

Baca dan terus sebarkan kepada teman dan kenalan anda.

Serangan Jantung dan Amalan Minum Air Panas ....

Artikel ini berguna untuk semua.

Bukan sahaja amalan meminum air panas selepas makan, tetapi berhubung SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!!.
Kita tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa... malah
akan mendapat faedah dari amalan ini.

Kepada sesiapa yang suka minum AIS, artikel ini sesuai untuk anda baca. Sememangnya sedap minum air berAIS selepas makan.
Walaubagaimanapun, AIS akan membekukan makanan berminyak
yang baru kita makan. Ia akan memperlahankan penghadaman kita.
Bila lemak-lemak ini terbentuk di dalam usus, ia akan menyempitkan banyak saluran dan lama kelamaan ia akan menyebabkan lemak berkumpul dan kita semakin gemuk dan menuju ke arah mendapat pelbagai PENYAKIT.
Jalan terbaik...adalah untuk minum sup panas atau air PANAS/suam selepas makan.

:Nota penting tentang SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!

Anda patut tahu bahawa bukan semua tanda-tanda serangan jantung akan mula terasa pada tangan sebelah kiri.
Berhati-hati juga pada permulaan sakit sedikit-sedikit pada bahagian atas dada anda.
Anda mungkin tidak akan mengalami sakit dada pada
serangan pertama serangan jantung.
Keletihan dan berpeluh adalah tanda-tanda biasa. Malah 60% penghidap SAKIT JANTUNG tidak bangun selepas tidur.
Marilah kita berwaspada dan berhati-hati..
Lebih banyak kita tahu, lebih cerah peluang kita untuk terus hidup...
PAKAR SAKIT JANTUNG berkata, jika semua orang yang mendapat e-mail ini menghantar kepada 10 orang yang lain, beliau yakin akan dapat menyelamatkan satu nyawa.
Baca ini..... ia juga mungkin dapat menyelamatkan nyawa anda!!!!.

**Jadilah teman yang setia dan teruskan menghantar artikel ini kepada teman-teman yang anda sayangi.....!!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 DIY Bentos: Animated Food From Anna The Red

Japan takes the cake, or the Bento, when it comes to food art. In fact, presentation is nearly everything in Japanese cooking. Bento, an art form that can be traced back about 900 years, is hot right now, and getting hotter as Japanese natives teach the rest of the world how it's done. "Anna The Red," a Japanese-born New Yorker, is such a wonderful teacher that you can easily learn how to create your own bento.

Bento, usually a packaged or boxed lunch in Japan, is an artistic presentation of food, generally consisting of rice, a fish or meat, and vegetables -- pickled, cooked, or raw. It sound like kids would naturally reject this kind of meal, but actually, one of the goals of bento is attract children to healthy eating. The art of kyaraben, or charaben, is in creating well-known characters or cartoon figures out of healthy foods -- like this Wall-E bento below -- so that kids will have fun eating them.

1. Wall-E Bento, Anna The Red

Here are a few more of the many kid-friendly characters Anna The Red has created (and eaten) for kids in the U.S.

2. Rayman Raving Rabbids Bento, Anna The Red

This game gives hours of pleasure to kids and there are even action figures available for the younger ones. Here's an action figure they can eat! By the way, if you create the figures in the second photo, who's to know that they are not Easter bunnies?

3. Head Crab Bento From Half-Life, Anna The Red

For the "adult" game players, you might want to try some Half Life characters. Here are yummy potato salad balls with french fry legs that serve as the centerpiece crabs.

4. Calvin And Hobbes Bento, Anna The Red

Have you ever seen such cute Calvin and Hobbes portrayals? The rice is naturally colored with ketchup. Anna The Red is big on natural; she even gives away her secrets for natural food colorings.

5. Onigiri Big Mouth Girls Bento, Anna The Red

Onigiri are Japanese sushi molds, which look like they would come in very handy in shaping your characters. The girls’ faces are primarily made of rice balls, egg, cheese, and ham.

6. Where The Wild Things Are Bento, Anna The Red

Aww. They do look good enough to frame, but Anna The Red promises they were eaten. One book and DVD that your children will long remember, the characters of Bernard, Max and Moishe from Where The Wild Things Are will surprise and delight your kids.

7. Cooking Mama Bento, Anna The Red

What an inspiration for kids to learn to cook. Not just Cooking Mama, but eating her likeness. Anna The Red makes her recipes for bento easy enough for kids to make with you.

8. Battlestar Galactica Bento, Anna The Red

True to the show, everything in this Battlestar Galactica bento has no corners. Anna The Red, who designs most of her bentos on paper first, used all her creativity to actually make what she drew; but of course having her as your pioneer, it will be much easier for you.

9. Spirited Away Bento, Anna The Red

Spirited Away is one of several animated Japanese films by director Hayao Miyazaki and it is available in English and French, as well as Japanese. The voices in English are created by several well-known American actors. The Spirited Away bento has the sweetest characters!

10. No Face, Kodama, and Makkurokorosuke Bento

All Hayao Miyazaki characters from his animations: No Face, the poignant central figure of this bento is from Spirited Away; Kodama, the white spirits, are from Princess Mononoke; and Makkuro Kurosuke are little soot spirits from My Neighbor Totoro.

Interested in lessons for beginners? Anna The Red has a about as live a blog as a chef can have at her site. Her photographer (alias web-designer, bento taster, and boyfriend) presents great step-by-step photos and Ms. Red writes the descriptions with her whole heart.

There are dozens more incredible bento recipes on her website and many are for Japanese kyaraben! Her site is easy to navigate with great graphics that let you know what ingredients are in each piece of a bento by just pointing to them with your cursor. It is hard to believe that Anna The Red and her photographer work on Anna The Red's Bento Factory in their spare time and that her lessons are avaiable to everyone for free!

Sources: Anna The Red's Bento Factory, IMDB, Wikipedia

How to Avoid Junk Food Cravings

Junk foods are hard to resist, delicious, and convenient but they are also not good for our bodies. Eating too much junk food can make you tired, lose energy, and put on weight. This article gives ways on how to fight the craving.

  1. Step 1

    The first thing to do to fight the cravings is to eliminate temptation. Clear out the junk food and replace with healthy food. Stock up on fruits and vegetables.

  2. Step 2

    Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. It will give you plenty of vitamins, minerals, and vitamins. To satisfy your sweet tooth eat fruits instead of candies and chocolate. For instance, try frozen grapes, pineapples, and etc.

  3. Step 3

    Eat complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates give you energy and are filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Simple carbohydrates are not healthy because it contains refined sugar and it doesn't provide the essential nutrients that we need.

  4. Step 4

    Instead of drinking carbonated beverages, try drinking water or put lemon/lime to add flavor to it.

  5. Step 5

    Be more active. Do exercises that you love. Increase you awareness about fitness. Exercise for at least 30 minutes. Exercise helps boost your metabolism and burn calories.

  6. Step 6

    Instead of dining out, try packing lunch or cook at home . It can also help avoid spending money on fast food or snack.

  7. Step 7

    Learn to eat in moderation. Completely cutting junk food from your diet will not make it easy to kick the habit.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

10 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight

If you have decided to lose weight, that's good for you. You might be eating healthy now, working out on a regular basis and using all trades of the weight loss book to achieve your goals. But for some reason, the scale refuses to go down. You are trying very hard to lose weight and might be following instructions to weight loss, but the needle just doesn't budge.

Here are the top reasons why you are losing your battle with weight:

  1. You eat too little: Some people often think that by having a light breakfast and lunch they will be losing weight as their calorie intake is going to be less. There is a misconception that skipping any meal saves calories. Skipping meals and fasting results in your metabolism slowing down, and your body stops metabolizing fat to lose weight. You should never consume less than 1,200 calories per day. Strive for atleast three meals a day and always start your day with a healthy breakfast.

  2. Liquid Calories: When counting calories, we often ignore calories from alcohol, smoothies, coffee with cream and sugar, sweetened juices, teas, and soft drinks which can easily make or break your weight loss plans.

  3. Too much stress: Being under constant stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol that can increase your appetite and make you store more fat (especially around the abdominal region). The simplest way to overcome the overeating is to find a way to manage your stress more effectively. Simple ways to manage stress include taking a few minutes a day to relax or meditate, listening to your favorite music or taking a walk outside.

  4. Hypothyroidism: If thyroid hormone levels decrease, everything in your body slows down including metabolism, a condition called hypothyroidism. All of the extra calories that you are consuming become stored as fat resulting in weight gain. The right medications will get you back on track towards losing weight.

  5. Cheating in your diet plan: Being too restrictive can result in binge-eating, and you'll be less likely to sustain your diet. You can eat what you like once a week but you should seriously restrict the quantity.

  6. Irregular meal timing: If you're juggling a job and a family, it's hard to eat at regular times. Eating infrequently can also cause weight loss plans to stop working. Your eating habits are directly proportional to your weight loss.

  7. Lack of sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, it may affect the secretion of the hormone cortisol that regulates appetite. Studies have shown that lack of sleep could increase appetite and compromise insulin sensitivity which can contribute to weight gain. Furthermore, a new study suggests that even getting too much sleep (nine or more hours a night) may also lead to weight gain. To be an efficient fat-burning machine, your body requires at least eight hours of sleep a night.

  8. Not eating enough protein: Lean protein helps you stay satisfied for longer and it boosts metabolism to help you burn more fat. Protein also happens to require the most energy for the digestion process so your total net calories are lower.

  9. Gaining muscle: Weighing scale doesn't tell the whole story always. For example, it doesn't measure the fat mass and muscle mass. Weight training along with proper diet will lead to fat loss, but it also promotes muscle gain and better bone density. So, if you don't see any improvement although you feel good, it's most likely extra muscle and stronger bone from weight training. You can measure your body fat percentage to get a more accurate progress from your weight loss efforts.

  10. Insulin resistance: Chronically elevated blood sugar levels result in greater metabolic dysfunction. This is called Syndrome X. If you suspect that you might be insulin resistant, see your doctor for a simple test followed by proper medication.

Obesity is a very complex medical problem in our society and achieving an ideal weight requires a multifaceted approach. Despite what you might hear, fat loss is not just about diet and exercise. Most people tend to shift from one diet or exercise program to the other when they do not see immediate results. When it comes to weight loss, Patience is a virtue.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Food biotechnology is defined as the application of biological techniques on food crops, animals and microorganisms with the aim of improving he attributes, quantity, safety, ease of processing and production economics of our food.

The most recent application of food biotechnology is genetic modification (GM), also known as genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, gene technology and/or recombinant DNA technology.

Recombinant DNA is merely DNA from different sources joined together. Recombinant DNA technology is consequently a set of techniques that makes use of special enzymes to cut DNA modules, trim them and then join (or splice) the pieces together again to make hybrid DNA molecules.

A number of advantages and potential benefits of genetic modification have been identified. They are as follows :

Ø GM allows a much wider selection of traits for improvement : not only pest, disease and
herbicide resistance achieved to date in plants but also potentially drought resistance,
improved nutritional content and improved sensory properties.
Ø GM is faster and lower in cost.
Ø Changes can be achieved in very few generations.
Ø Improved agricultural performance with reduced use of pesticides.
Ø Improved processing characteristics leading to reduced waste and lower food costs to the

GM has huge potential for mankind in medicine, agriculture and food. In food, the real benefits are not the early instances that have been appearing so far, but its longer-term benefit to the world, especially the Third World countries. It has a strong potential of eliminating hunger and malnutrition in these countries.

Safety regulations for genetically modified foods have also been outlined to safeguard and protect human health. Where differences are identified, extensive animal feeding and toxicological trials are required. The comparison may be a simple task, or a very lengthy one, depending upon the nature of and experience with the foods or components being compared.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agreement to synchronize the food price in UTP

This the the black and white agreement signed by the manager of every cafeteria in utp. This agreement can clarify that they want to synchronize the food price in utp ( breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks). So, we hope all the utpians will clear about this matter and if you have issues regarding the food price, you can just shoot your comment here. tq

1) breakfast

2) lunch

~~ continue

Agreement to synchronize the price of foods in UTP

3) dinner

4) drink

Friday, March 12, 2010

[ fwd from MMPUTP ] statement about De Jernih Suria, V5 cafeteria

After several actions have been taken by Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (SRCUTP), International Student Council (ISC), Student Cafe Committee (SCC) and majority of UTP students regarding the Village 5 cafeteria issue, some improvements are being made by De Jernih Suria Sdn Bhd in order to regain the trust from students. Currently, some students agreed that the De Jernih Suria is now offering better services to students, affordable student’s price for food and even has improved a bit in terms of quality and variety. So far, we believe that the improvement by De Jernih Suria is actually relies on student’s power. We already provide a beginning step so that student’s voice can be channelled more effectively.

Referring to the meeting between SRCUTP and the Rector on 24th February 2010 (whereas SRCUTP was represented by Mr. President, line up of HICOMs and EXCOs and the Rector was accompanied by Mr Syazwan Amarjit from SSSD), several issues have been discussed including the cafeteria issue.

Datuk Dr Zainal already acknowledged about this matter and the result of the survey has been delivered direct to him.

The management will issue the warning and keep monitoring their performance from time to time. UTP management will also continue to investigate the real problem happened.

For the time being, students cannot say that this matter is already solved. Even though De Jernih is showing that they are improving, we cannot say that this is a real solution to cater the problem. We cannot guarantee that they will persistent in serving the best for students.

Since both parties (De Jernih and sub cafeterias) haven’t show the real facts and figures of what are happening, we are still working out for the best answer before informing the students about the final actions necessary. Together with the management side, we are running an investigation on both parties in order to ensure the student’s right is preserved.

Follow-up meeting between De Jernih, the trio, UTP management and Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar will be conducted on Monday next week (1st March 2010). This meeting is very important and the outcome will determine the future of Village 5 cafeteria in overall. We really hope that, whatever decisions take out from the meeting will eventually benefits the students.

Finally, at the moment students are encouraged to become the eyes and ears in assisting us by reporting the current situations in Village 5 cafeteria.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Digestion is the process by which the body breaks down the food we eat into usable components. Our bodies use food similarly as a car engine uses gas and this gives us the energy needed to live. When we put food into our mouths digestion has already started because digestion means breaking food down into smaller molecules!

Your body depends on the breakdown of foods to get the nutrients it needs for healthy cells. If food sits too long in the stomach it can become toxic, recalculate throughout the body and cause illness. Follow these steps to improve digestion so that your entire body will function at optimal performance.

Digestion affects all facets of health. Your body depends on the breakdown of foods to get the nutrients it needs for healthy cells. If food sits too long in the stomach it can become toxic, recalculate throughout the body and cause illness. Follow these steps to improve digestion so that your entire body will function at optimal performance.

1. Try eating your meals with chopsticks. Although this may seem frustrating at first, in time you will adjust and learn how to maneuver food with ease and will consume meals slowly and take smaller bites. Eating with chopsticks controls your eating pace and bites size, and forces you to eat with more attention.

2. Exercise daily to increase movement within your bowels and improve your digestive health. Daily activity improves the natural rhythm of your digestive system and assists in moving food through your digestive system.

3. Take digestive enzymes with every meal to improve your digestive health. Digestive enzymes improve your nutrient extraction from the foods you consume and aid in the prevention of bloating, gas and digestive distress.

4. Choose fresh, organic foods instead of canned or boxed foods that contain harsh preservatives and very little nutrients or vitamins. Combine cooked and raw foods, such as a fresh salad and steamed carrots, to incorporate necessary and vital enzymes for proper digestion.

5. Drink lots of water. Water helps remove toxins from the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation which slows down digestion.

6. Relax for at least 30 minutes after eating meals. Your digestive organs need a large portion of your total blood volume to digest food. It cannot use that blood if you are active after a meal because the blood goes instead to your muscles.

7. Take vitamin C. These supplements act as antihistamines and ease inflammation in the digestive tract. Vitamin C also helps the gastrointestinal tract to rid itself of toxins produced during food digestion.

Natural Remedies: - Many herbal and homeopathic remedies have been formulated with specific ingredients to promote gentle food breakdown and support the digestive system. Filipendula ulmaria is a soothing digestive remedy which helps to protect the digestive tract and reduce excess stomach acid.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone ,

Kindly be informed that for the coming semester, there are few changes regarding the tender of cafeterias in UTP. The tender has been restructured again by allocating them to the new location in order to create competitiveness among cafeterias as well. Some of the cafes are now totally under new tenders and some of them are still bonded with the old tender. The decision of these changes has done after considering the need and comment from the student itself based on some survey conducted by the management party. These new changes can also allow the students to have different taste of food in their respective cafeterias for the new coming semester. Below are the latest details of cafeterias in UTP:





Kafe Sajian Ria

Encik Ali Harun


Kafetaria Sayang

Puan Che Maimun


Gerai Kak Sufiah

Puan Sufiah

V3 (western)

Aroma Bakeries & Caterers

Puan Norma M Saleh

V3 (malay)

Pocket C Food &Catering

Pn Zalina binti Ismail


SInar Madina Sdn Bhd

Puan Salina Sadhree

V4 (malay)

Restoran Anjung Rawa

En Chairil Anwar

V5 (old)

Rifa Maju Enterprise

En Mohd Farizul Abdul Malek

Student Centre (malay)

Sinar Selera Sdn Bhd

En Mansah Othman

Student Centre (western)

Kafe Paprika

Pn Nuraini

New Village 5

In 2 Eat Cafe

Pn Rosmawati

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