Friday, March 12, 2010

[ fwd from MMPUTP ] statement about De Jernih Suria, V5 cafeteria

After several actions have been taken by Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (SRCUTP), International Student Council (ISC), Student Cafe Committee (SCC) and majority of UTP students regarding the Village 5 cafeteria issue, some improvements are being made by De Jernih Suria Sdn Bhd in order to regain the trust from students. Currently, some students agreed that the De Jernih Suria is now offering better services to students, affordable student’s price for food and even has improved a bit in terms of quality and variety. So far, we believe that the improvement by De Jernih Suria is actually relies on student’s power. We already provide a beginning step so that student’s voice can be channelled more effectively.

Referring to the meeting between SRCUTP and the Rector on 24th February 2010 (whereas SRCUTP was represented by Mr. President, line up of HICOMs and EXCOs and the Rector was accompanied by Mr Syazwan Amarjit from SSSD), several issues have been discussed including the cafeteria issue.

Datuk Dr Zainal already acknowledged about this matter and the result of the survey has been delivered direct to him.

The management will issue the warning and keep monitoring their performance from time to time. UTP management will also continue to investigate the real problem happened.

For the time being, students cannot say that this matter is already solved. Even though De Jernih is showing that they are improving, we cannot say that this is a real solution to cater the problem. We cannot guarantee that they will persistent in serving the best for students.

Since both parties (De Jernih and sub cafeterias) haven’t show the real facts and figures of what are happening, we are still working out for the best answer before informing the students about the final actions necessary. Together with the management side, we are running an investigation on both parties in order to ensure the student’s right is preserved.

Follow-up meeting between De Jernih, the trio, UTP management and Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar will be conducted on Monday next week (1st March 2010). This meeting is very important and the outcome will determine the future of Village 5 cafeteria in overall. We really hope that, whatever decisions take out from the meeting will eventually benefits the students.

Finally, at the moment students are encouraged to become the eyes and ears in assisting us by reporting the current situations in Village 5 cafeteria.

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