Recently, we all knew that Anjung Rawa Café had been boycotted by most of the UTP students and this situation became more serious as a page in facebook was created several days ago to find supporters in order to boycott this one of the two cafes in V4. After investigating about the problems that actually happened, there were a few problems that we had clarified which had caused this café to be boycotted.
There were most probably:
· The prices for the food were too expensive.
· The price also did not fixed and it 100% depend on the person who at the counter.
· The service was too offensive and they did not show ‘mesra pelajar’ behavior.
· The person that was in the counter did checked students’ food suspiciously.
· The owner of the café or aka ‘Mama’ was using term ‘sayang’ in order to address her customer.
· Tissue was limited; one person can have only one tissue.
Due to the above matters, a meeting was successfully conducted among Welfare Department of MPPUTP, Student Café Committee (SCC) and Anjung Rawa Café itself. The things that we had been discussed or the purposes of this meeting were:
· To clarify the factors for the price of the food cost too high.
· To request from Anjung Rawa Café to fix the price for each food and publish the prices so that students do aware on how much it would cost for respective food.
· Kindly ask Anjung Rawa to change their behavior and attitude while dealing with the students or customers.
On behalf of UTP students, Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) and Student Café Committee (SCC) had tried our best to solve this problem and we already told Anjung Rawa the students’ expectations from the cafe and from Anjung Rawa also, they had their own expectations from the students themselves. The outcomes of this so-called memorandum of understanding were:
1. Anjung Rawa Café will publish the prices for the foods including the price for a piece of chicken, rice and vegetables. They said that the prices for these entire things are subject to change and it depend on; 1stly, the market price; 2ndly, the quantity of the food. If the rice was fully loaded in the plastic container, how come it could still be RM1?
2. For your information, the standard market price for the chicken for 1kg would cost approximately RM7.00 and above and RM2.00 for cooked chicken.
3. Mama also has promised to us that she will change her attitude and behaviour when dealing with her customers especially about the tissue and the term ‘sayang’. She will not use it anymore. Actually, she was sincerely using that term in addressing students because to her, students were just like her children.
4. About looking at the food suspiciously, Mama insisted that she will ask the customer first before check the food and she will try to change herself to be a better one.
This kind of engagement session was ended in a very good way from both sides and it is hoped that this problem would be solved as soon as possible for the sake of the students’ welfare and also from Mama’s side. MPPUTP, SCCUTP and from Anjung Rawa Café. We also really hope that students can stop boycotting and please do not post something that are unnecessary in the page especially the thing that can humiliate people. The cooperation from both sides which are the students and Anjung Rawa Cafe is highly appreciated. As for all UTP students, MPPUTP and SCCUTP welcomes you for any suggestion to be channelled to the authorize people for the betterment of the cafeteria.